När det regnar så regnar det.
It was raining a lot on us in Uppsala. Read more here.
Lord how we need your power every day and every hour.
Now I was going to write something about my trip to the states, but instead I started to look at pictures, and since I took photos all the time over there I just post a whole bunch of them instead =D
So, so, so...I flew to Mississippi for the wedding between Krisite and Alfredo (I lived there when I was an exchangestudent about five years ago). Those two people seem perfect for each other, so I am very greatfull to see them togheter =P Actually I never saw them not togheter, but I can´t imagine that beeing too good....
In the church a lady was singing "...oh we´re too small to stop the rain, oh but when it rains I will stand by you...." while Mr. Richard led his daughter down the aisle and I belive almost everyone in the crowded sanctuary had teary eyes (=
Then in Mississippi I also saw a lot of other things like red dirt roads, dogs, big trucks, the holy ghost, ice tea, Senatobia, Vacation Bible School, the Sardis Lake, Mississippi river, pizzaburgers, nice people saying "how´re you doing?" all the time, Walmart, drivethrought etc...and I most ceratinly felt the summer and its way to hot weather =P
Now I am in Sweden for a little while, before I hed to Uppsala. Then I will try to figure out what Cultural Antrophology is, becaus this is what I will spend my time with over the next three years.
" Come writers and critics who prophecis with your pen, and keep your eyes wide the chance won´t come again, and don´t speak to soon for the wheel still in spin, and there´s no telling who that it´s namin´. For the loser now will we later to win, For the Times they are a Changing...."
Life goes on.
Im sure there are plenty of people out there wondering what Im up to. Truth is that I ask mayself the same question quit often and wonder "what in the name of the flying spaghetti monster am I doing?"
Eventhought I have many teories of what the answere to this question might be, I am not entirly sure.
Instead I want to write about something I do know; THE SPRING HAS FINALY ARRIVED TO UPPSALA! Today I could even go for a run wearing only two longsleeved shirts and furthermore the snow is almost gone from the track! This makes me really happy, and if there is one thing I learned from living in Ireland it is that climibing a hill just to sit in the sun for a while will solve all of your problems.(atleast for a little while, and I've never been a long-term person anyways).
Alright enought wierd writing. Look at these flowers from the Dass on Torpet, left there since last summer
".....Var bäck har nog sin källa, Var äng sin blomma har. Vart hjärta har sin saga från flydda ungdomsdar.
Men skogens källa sinar och ängens blomma dör, Men hjärtats tysta saga ej någon tid förstör...."
The words of the profets are written on the subway wall.
Dear Lord, now I have litarly spent days in my appartment doing nothing but reading your very long book! Sure its intressting, but Im starting to get just a little bit restless... Also now after diving in really deep in the testaments I am more confused then ever. How am I suppose to memorise all these scriptures? Can you help me pass my exam next week? To be honest, I dont really care about learning everything by word, and to take a part every single verse to, for example, see how Matt or Luk changes the text of Mark, and figure out what is specific for just e.g. Matt, or what Matt or Luk has taken from the hypotetical Q source. I mean, what is the name of someone is the Q source?
Now I will go and bang the book in my head instead, maybe then I will understand.
Thanks in advance,
.שאלות של היום
My Winter World.
Once upon a time in a land far far away...
Streets in the holy city, the church of all nations, the olive mountains and Hanna.
Dear Mezzy,
Every time me and Hanna decieds to do something it becomes an unforgettable aventure, this time we went to the holiest city of them all, Jerusalem!
We left Bar'am on friday and since we are quit unplannig people we looked up a hostel the same morning and just went there. At the Citadell youth hostel they had two room options left, either a double room inside for more money or we could sleep on the roof. Luckly we ended up sleeping inside becaus a little while later the Israeli winter came, which in Jerusalem meant storm.
On saturday (Sabbath) Hanna and I walked around in the old city. In every corner there was a church, mosque, synagogue or something else really old and holy.
We went to the Western Wall and prayed with the jews, I learned that when you leave the wall you do this by walking backwards. Then we went to the church of all nations and listened to a mass is Italian. There they had a stone that was said to be the one Jesus sat and cried on when he had been betrayed. After this we climed up the olive moutnains, by the city of David. There we went to a resturant and ate falafels and hommus (pita and mached chick peas). This is really israeli food and I think I have been eating it almost everyday since I came here. Thank god I love chick peas!
In the old city the streets are more like tunnels, and when you walk around people are all the time grabing you trying to sell something. I learned that I am actually really good at bargaining so I did some christmas shopping and got everything for fair prices. However sometimes I thought it was to much fun to arguee for a low prices so I did it on things I didnt even want...
On saturday night we went out with two german girls we met on the hostel. Along came also a Canidian guy and we met two Israeli jews. An interesting thing about it was that the german girls told everyone that they were from Schweiz, becuas otherwise the Israelis might not have accepted them. In Bar'am there is people from every other part of the world, but these girls where the first germans I met. I guess they are just not that welcome in this country. Maybe its time to stop punishing people for what there grandparents might have done?
On sunday we went to the holocaust museum. I have read sooooo much about WW2 and I even went to Auschwitz and therwfore I kinda tought it wouldn't be so much new information. Still it was increadably interesting! It ofcourse made me really sad and scared thinking about what people are capable of doing to each other. I read somewhere the quot "When books are burned in the end people will be burned too" (Heinrich Heine) In this case they were talking about the christal night. I thought about that crazy american pastor a little while ago who wanted to burn quarans. So incredably intolarant. I think he needs to go to an Islam country to learn that muslims are people just like everyone else. And read my blog so I can tell him that there are extremist of all kinds. I bet he doesn't support all deciciouns made "in the name of christianity" just like all islam leaders don't agree with everything that is claimed "in the name of Islam" .
Ok, so now I started analysing our socity as usual ... BUT, my point is basicly, extremists are dangerous no matter if they claim to be christians, muslims or whatever. This I wish people can understand and therefore not judge a whole group of people for something done by a very few. PLEASE GOD, no more holocausts!
Anyways, at the museum they also had art galleries with jewish art. Since I am me, I stayed there for a couple of hours looking at every single painting. Hanna had already walked to the exit, but when I didn't show up after three hours she thought I had gone back to the hostel. Therefore when I finaly went to the exit I couldn't find her and waited an other hour and then I also took the bus back to Citadell. Meanwhile Hanna was really worried, since she hadn't seen me for six hours. But as always I got home.
The next day however we were going back to Bar'am. After eating hommus and discussing the conflict betweet different groups of christians in Jerusalem with the resutant owner, we went to the bus staion and missed our bus on the minuit. There after the adventures followed each other, with missedd busses, wrong stations, scary hich-hiking etc, etc...but eventually we got back safe to the kibbutz.
And well, thats pretty much it for now (=
Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall.
My weariness amazes me.
In the desert.
Hiking in the Judean desert, climbing up Masada, swimming in some waterfalls and floating in the deadsea.
Life is around.
Dear Mezzy,
What do I have to say? Hmm.. Lets see
Lately Hanna and I have been acting just as brave as usual. Therfore we decided, in the last minute, to participate in The Baram Talant Show last wendsday. Since we are the new volonteers nobody expected anything from us and it was really interesting to see the surprised audiance afterwards.
Before the show we invited the kibbutz memebers to a volonteer night, and served food from all our differnet countries. I had stayed in the kitchen tuesday night to make meatballs. I am seriously really good at making them by now! I think they were appriciated.
in the show it was only our number and two others on the schedule, since none else dared to preform. Hanna and I borrowed a guitar and were playing falling slowly, from the irish movie Once. And well....we did great!
On Sabbath everything in Israel is completly closed. So if you want to leave the kibbuz its kinda hard to get anywhere at all. This saturday everyone were tired after 5 days of work and friday night pub, but after lunch we walked to old baram looking for the ancient cold springs. First we walked down a path and almost ended up in Libanon. Most of us turned around, and met James, who knew where the springs where and showed us there. Some people kept going and ended up way to close to the border where they met some soldiers who made them go back. There is a lot of soldiers everywhere. Maybe not so strange since everyone here has to do mandatory army sevice for atleast two years, and Israel is not exactly famous for beeing a peaceful country.
Unfortunally everyone else did not fall alseep. And when I finaly woke up again around midnight and went outside I met S. who said "Dont tell me you missed it all" That nights events is pretty much what we have been talking about since then. The only word to describe what happend is DRAMA!
I think its really sad thought. Just becaus people cant get along now four volonteers have left the kibbutz forever. And to quote Hanna "Girls who stick knifs in other girls backs might be the worst threat aginst an equal sociaty"
Since Sunday I have been working in the kitchen. Looks like Im gonna stay there too, which is kinda nice. It is sure more variation than to work in the apple factory, but also I have to work much more. I think the chefs kinda like me, atleast a little bit. If they dont they should caus Im working as hard as I cna for 13 shekles a day!
Okey, now I have been sitting here for a long, long, time. This is the longest blogpost I have ever written (= And its in english for some reason. I think becaus its much more fun to write in english, and everyone I now can read it anyways (=
Tomorrow Im going to the desert and then to the dead sea!
Love/ Maja
Im in the Middle east making kebab for the people of Baram
Hejsan Hoppsan Karlsson,
Jo nu har Hanna gatt och lagt sig och jag sitter i farfars arvda flistroja i datarummet som behandigt nog ligger mittemot varat rum. Klockan ar val typ 9 ellr natt, men det kanns som mitt i natten. Kanske ar det for att vi gar upp sa jaklans tidigt.
Jag har jobbat i koket idag igen. Det ar ratt sa jobbigt, men kul. Det ar mer variation an i fabriken kan man lugnt saga, plus att man liksom kan prata med de andra personerna i koket. Pa natt satt sa har kocken plockat ut mig igar och idag och latit mig sta precis bredvid honom hela tiden. Sa jag borjade dagen med att mala kott. Och da sa jag "Oh I've done this before" liskom lite tyst for mig sjalv, och tankte pa den dar kvallen nar mamma tagit hem en halv ko och lagt pa koksbordet och tvingade oss barn att mala ner den till kottfarsas i den dar as gamla handrivna kottkvaren vi fatt arva av nagon... men kokcken horde mig och sa typ "Oh great, so then your not so picky" och menade att det var bra att jag inte var radd for att ta i allt kott. Suck, JO! Men bara att suck it up liksom, och efter ett tag var det ganska kul. Speciellt nar man la i vitlokar och det lat PANG PANG i hela maskinen da de maldes ner (ja, man maste ju tycka att natt ar roligt liksom annars blir det astrakigt) Nar jag sprang runt dar i koket och sag allt kaos och alla kockar som tsjong hogt pa hibreiska, transport personer som kom och lastade ur lador med mat och volontarer som hackade gronsaker sa kom jag liskom pa vilken knapp situation jag var i och tankte " Jag ar pa ett himla berg i mellanostern och lagar kebab at 500 israeler" Hur hamnade jag liskom dar helt plotsligt?
Okej det var egentligen inte riktigt allt jag ville beratta. Men nu kan jag inte halla ogonen oppna langre. Dessutom maste jag ju ha natt att skriva om i nasta inlagg (=